Keep Going, one step at a time
The Longest Journey
It begins with the first step but to complete it, you need to keep taking those steps, just one at a time
Keep Going, one step at a time
It begins with the first step but to complete it, you need to keep taking those steps, just one at a time
It’s safe to stay in your comfort zone. You may not get the income you need, you may not have the job you want, you may not have done the items on your bucket list but hey, you’re safe. You’ve got your comfort blanket with you, your thumb in your mouth, your head under the covers and maybe headphones over your ears to shut out those siren voices urging you to try
Trying something new is a risk, sure but if you don’t try, you won’t know, – you won’t get the benefits. Now, hey, I’m not telling you to try every risky thing out there, no way.
There’s a big difference between risks and risky. Some risks involve growing as a person, something that’s just “risky” can cost you your life or your liberty.
The kinds of risks that you avoid by staying in your comfort zone are those where you might meet someone you would enjoy having as a friend or partner, where you might avoid improving your education because “I can’t do that” or “it’s too much work” or where you avoid taking up a new sport or leisure pursuit because “I’ll look dumb”. If you want to try something new, then go ahead, assess the risks to yourself and then ask, “What is the worst that could happen?” If it just involves egg on your face, then go ahead, it wipes off. If it involves physical danger to yourself or putting your family at financial risk then think long and hard about it and take advice. But don’t ignore that still, small voice that says, “this  might work and I’ll try it”.
What steps have you taken to start your journey or continue one already started?
If this quote doesn’t help, how about these?
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. –Confucius
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs – Zig Ziglar
You don’t have to see the whole staircase. just take the first step – Martin Luther King
Whatever your journey, whatever your speed and your method of progressing, each step in the right direction is a step to success, however you define it.