Just Make A Start

The New Year is often thought of as a good time to start something new. But if you really want to do it, anytime is a good time. Starting in the New Year, however, can make you feel like you have a fresh start and that can provide a good motivational boost, especially if other friends are starting along the same path too.

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Be Yourself

Do you ever feel down because someone has made a careless throwaway remark about you, or even been intentionally cruel, either to your face or in speaking behind your back?

Maybe you have felt elated because someone complimented you in some way? Whether they have been nasty or nice, it is important to remain yourself and not to change unless you yourself feel that change would be for the better for you!


Is the mountain slighted?


Is the stream sullied?


Is the sky elated?

Be Yourself

Your worth does not depend on others’ views and feelings about you. You are worth it. You are beautiful just as you are.

Danger – Plants!


Giant Hogweed

What Motivation?

Are you wondering why a dangerous plant can be a source of motivational quotes or even motivation? We all know that sweet roses and violets have provided inspiration for writers and lovers for hundreds of years, from William Shakespeare and earlier. But has anyone been motivated by dangerous plants? Well yes, if you have ever been stung, sprayed with light sensitive chemicals or encountered a patch of poison ivy, you will most likely have been motivated to find some way of treating the problem and alleviating the pain. If you have planned on going camping, you may even have been motivated to look up any dangerous plants in the area you are going to, to check whether you need plant identification books, creams, lotions or warnings for children and pets.

Love Quote Poetry

For Those Who Want Love Quotes

I know some people have been looking for love quotes. Well here is one especially for Corey! I may add a few more to provide some motivation! Some of the best places to find love quotes is in poetry. The poets really know how to express their love and to praise their object of desire. That of course includes lyricists, writing lyrics to songs. One lyric that has been going through my head recently are some of the words from “Pretty Flamingo”, “Cos her hair glows like the sun and her eyes could light the sky”. So you don’t always have to go back to Shakespeare and his “Til the sun grows cold and the stars grow old”.

Here is a love quote from Lord Byron – romantic poet.


Keep Going

Keep Going, one step at a time

The Longest Journey

It begins with the first step but to complete it, you need to keep taking those steps, just one at a time